Latest: SFC quarter-final picture becomes clearer

GAA news

The picture surrounding the Senior Football Championship has become clearer following the completion of five round four matches tosay.

The Castlerahan v Crosserlough match was postponed due to the tragic passing of Kathleen and Michael Lynch, RIP.

The remaining five matches saw wins for Ramor United, Ballinagh, Kingscourt, Cavan Gaels and Laragh United.

While the table will not be complete until the postponed match is played and Castlerahan could cause an upset, should Crosserlough (the only unbeaten side in the county in league and championship this season) win, it would look like this:

1 Crosserlough

2 Kingscourt Stars

3 Ramor United

4 Killygarry

5 Gowna

6 Laragh United

7 Cavan Gaels

8 Ballinagh

In that scenario, the quarter-final line-up would be Crosserlough v Ballinagh, Kingscourt v Cavan Gaels, Ramor United v Laragh United and Killygarry v Gowna.

There will be a two-week break prior to the quarter-finals.