Woman claims husband carried out 'voodoo' spiritual attack on her

Gordon Deegan

A judge has granted a domestic violence protection order to a woman who alleged in court that her husband has carried out a voodoo "spiritual attack" on her.

At the Family Law Court, the woman told Judge Alec Gabbett: "I am very scared of him".

As part of her application, the woman said her husband "sprinkles substances on the floor. This is a spiritual attack against me. This is voodoo".

The woman told the court: “I am afraid that he will put poison in my food. You don’t know what he is capable of”.

The woman further alleged that her husband "has placed a voice tracker in the home”.

She said that she is traumatised in her own home “because my husband is constantly verbally attacking me, watching me around the house and talks to me in an aggressive manner”.

The woman told the court she is trying to leave her husband after being married for a number of years.

Judge Gabbett asked the woman to sign her information grounding the protection order application. He said he would grant the protection order on that basis.

Judge Gabbett asked her "are you afraid of him?". In reply the woman said "I am afraid of him".

The application for the protection order was made on an ex-parte basis where the husband was not present in court. If he is to contest his wife's application for a safety order he will be able to contest the allegations made at an adjourned court date.

The protection order granted was one of six orders granted by Judge Gabbett to women against their partners and ex-partners over a 28-minute period at the Family Law Court.

Gardaí serve the order on the partners and ex-partners named.

In another case, Judge Gabbett told a woman that her own domestic situation with her husband “has got quite nasty” with an allegation that the husband "is pouring things over your clothes".

In a third case, a woman alleged that her partner grabbed her by the throat and told her that he will kill her.

Asked by Judge Gabbett if she was afraid of her husband, the woman replied "yes".

Judge Gabbett said: "You shouldn't have to put up with that and choking is a new offence. The new law is in draft form at the moment, but it underlines how seriously the Oireachtas is taking the issue. It is very serious"