New regulations make fixed track hoists part of Housing Adaption grants

Kenneth Fox

New regulations will mean fixed track hoists will be brought within the scope of the housing adaptions grants for the elderly and people with disability.

A ceiling track hoist is an overhead hoisting system – the track can either be hung from the ceiling itself, hung from wall to wall, or inset to the ceiling itself.

It allows people to move from A to B in their home and helps the carer as well because there is less manual handling.

Grants of up to €30,000 are available to assist people with a disability in carrying out necessary works to make a house more suitable for their needs.

Additionally, grants of up to €6,000 are available for mobility aids.  These schemes can now be used to cover the cost of installing a fixed track hoist.

Funding of over €83 million is being made available by the Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage for these grants in 2023.

Speaking about the news, Minister for Housing Darragh O’Brien said: “I know just how important these grants are for people, and I am delighted that I could extend the schemes to cover fixed track hoists which will benefit both the person with a disability and their carer.

"The €83 million allocation for this year will build on the success of last year when we exceeded the number of home adaptations initially targeted.”

Meanwhile, Minister of State for Local Government and Planning, Kieran O’Donnell said: “I very much welcome that fixed track hoists will now be covered under the Housing Adaptation Grant Schemes.

"These grants have a huge bearing on the home life of the many beneficiaries and play a critical role in helping disabled people and people who are reaching an age in life when they are less mobile, to continue to live independently in their own homes.”