The beautiful Provincial House building was designed by renowned Irish architect William Hague.

Change of use sought for former bank building

Permission has been sought to change the use of the ground floor of the former Provincial Bank building in Cavan Town from a café to a health therapy treatment facility.

The proposed works to the ground floor and change of use to the property are required to ensure access to all persons who are wheelchair or ambulant disabled.

The application was submitted by Jackson's Garage Ltd for “change of use of the existing ground floor of the three storey over basement Provincial House building” previously granted in 2022 to Cavan-based CLW Environmental Consultants.

Health therapy

That application, also for change of use from cafe to health therapy facility, outlined plans to carry out works consisting of internal modifications in layout and renovations, to include the upgrade of floors and ceilings at ground and first floor levels to “provide fire protection”.

The building on Cavan’s Farnham Street, next to the county courthouse, is a protected structure and permission was granted with three conditions attached, to include that any works carried out should be overseen by an accredited architect.

The latest application by Jackson's Garage Ltd seeks to add a new universal accessible entrance on the north side of the building, including external platform lift, steps and the breaking out of new entrance in the gable wall together with all ancillary works.

Philip Brady Architects submitted an Architectural Heritage Impact Assessment on behalf of the building’s owners, detailing the proposed change of plans, and proposed alterations to the ground floor level of the building.

The June 2023 completed report states that the proposed “interventions” include the removal of a an existing wall separating a toilet from the rear lobby to form an accessible sized toilet; the closing up of the existing rear entrance door; the opening up of a new accessible door in the side wall of the existing main lobby area. Furthermore the plan is to construct a new entrance platform to the north-east of the main entrance lobby to incorporate a new platform lift and accessible steps and railings; and finally the relocation of disabled car parking and set down spaces.

The report notes that the property was examined and all available historic information was taken into account when seeking to identify the importance of the building in architectural terms.


Designed by the famous Irish architect William Hague (1836-1899), the former Provincial Bank, a detached three-storey over basement property, was constructed in 1862.

It was previously used as offices by Cavan County Council when the courthouse was being renovated in the 1980s, and in later years came into the possession of a local accountancy firm who carried out alteration works to the building including the addition of an external fire escape stairs.

In 2018 an application was made for change of use from offices to a café at ground floor only. Post closure, the property lay vacant before the 2022 application was made to change its use from a café to a Health Therapy Treatment Facility was granted by council planners.

There have not been any proposals to make any alterations to the existing windows and facades of the building.

A decision is due mid-August.