Cllr Sarah O’Reilly (Aontú).

€15M investment in projects

Local county councillor Sarah O’Reilly estimates that over €15 million is being invested in projects in the Bailieborough area as part of a major rejuvenation.

“Things are on the up,” she enthused.

Work on the "long awaited" Garda District Headquarters in Bailieborough is set to be completed in the final quarter of 2023.

Cllr O’Reilly said that gardaí were working in “substandard conditions for far too long".

“The improved working conditions that the station will offer are essential if officers are to adequately deal with their increasing workload,” she said.

She described the new building as “hugely impressive” and said it will “fit seamlessly with the town centre first policy adopted by Cavan County Council".

Cllr O'Reilly is proud to have been among those who “started the ball rolling” on the Bailieborough courthouse project, which is due to be finished in the next year.

Also, an additional 45 social housing units are to be developed at Páirc na Teile, Beckscourt. Tender documents are being finalised and construction of the homes is set to begin at the end of the year.

“This development will create a huge spin-off to the local economy benefiting local traders and businesses in the locality,” Cllr O'Reilly enthused.

Cllr O'Reilly further informed that Duffs Newsagents and Hardware and J & L stores were recently purchased by two local businessmen who plan to repurpose the buildings to further rejuvenate the town.

She welcomed new local businesses including Shh Makeup, Nails & Beauty to Market Square and wished Bailieborough native Maggie Meechan and her team “every success".

As a proud member of the Castle Lake Committee, Cllr O'Reilly said the group secured funding of over €100,000 under the Rural Recreation Scheme in 2021. This funding saw the completion of a new 30-space carpark, which she described as a “welcomed enhancement”.

“We are currently putting the finishing touches to the family seating area,” she informed.

Cllr O'Reilly thanked the local people for their continued work in the town.

“The community and businesses in Bailieborough are resilient, they are finding their feet and have definitely turned a corner,” she said.

She also encouraged people to continue to support their local economy.

“Now is the time to show what it really means to be all in this together.”

Insert: Cllr Sarah O’Reilly (Aontú).