Growing both veg and community spirit

Cavan community garden.

A Cavan community garden hosted a mini-festival at the weekend to celebrate a bouquet of fantastic achievements including the launch of a new classroom.

Perched on the side of the Gallows Hill, the Fairgreen Community Garden in Tullacmongan offers a hidden oasis for those seeking a break from the hustle and bustle of today's world.

The garden has been blooming since its establishment in 2012, according to Terease Walsh who, along with Ann Marie Johnston, founded the initiative.

“We established it with Finian McNamara through the PPN and they came and set it up. The council were looking for a place to create a community garden so they gave us this spot here because it was a drinking den and a dumping area,” Terease explained.

Since then, fruits bushes have trawled throughout the space along with raised beds galore. Some are located on painted tractor tyres to make them more accessible for those with difficulty bending. The garden has provided an inclusive and diverse space for community members, flora and fauna alike.

Terease listed off the top of her head the range of nationalities who tend their own personal plots in the garden including those from the Democratic Republic of Congo, Nigeria, South Africa, Pakistan, Tonga, Romania and of course Ukraine. With a yearly subscription of just €15, members of the community grow their own flowers, fruits and vegetables.

"Everybody gets on really, really well here. They just come up, they have their own key and do whatever they want to do,” the Cavanwoman beamed.

Following its success, Cavan County Council offered more land to the group, allowing them to create a new polytunnel, further raised beds and most recently a new potting area and classroom. CMETB tutors use the petite classroom to provide level one and two horticultural courses to students. The garden enables them to get hands on practical experience along with guided lectures before receiving a certificate on completion.

Further down in the garden is a beautiful tranquil area, known to the members as the Peace Garden.

“We have a lovely peace garden down there, and anybody can go down and sit there. We’re in the town and you can’t even hear a car - nothing. It’s lovely, it’s just so peaceful.”

The plants are testimony to the love and care of the garden's members, with a vast array of flowers planted by a Romanian lady who helps to tend the garden, and others which were donated by an elderly lady before she moved to a nursing home.

In another area of the garden lies a memorial area, with a beautiful mural remembering local man Peter McCaffrey who sadly passed away in 2019. Generous Peter always supported the group's endeavours.

"We never even had to ask him,” Terease explained.

She expressed her gratitude to Cavan County Council, particularly Maria Morgan the litter warden, who has helped the group access tools and materials throughout the years.

She also explained the great relationship the community group has with Cavan Tidy Towns. Working together, the two groups accommodate visits from local schools and playschools, teaching them the basics in gardening.

Terease has many plans for the future of the community garden including the development of disability access and is currently seeking funding from the council for a number of improvements.