A house being crane lifted into position.

Last of Ukrainian houses to be installed tomorrow

The Cavan Town housing estate for Ukrainian refugees is expected to reach a milestone tomorrow with the installation of the final four houses.

Twenty-four prefabricated semi-detached homes arrived by lorry over the last two days and have been lifted by crane into place at the Farnham Road site on the western edge of town.

The high-spec units are being installed with white goods such as fridge and washing machines already fitted, with only furniture required to complete the interior fit.

The estate is built on a green field site beside Drumnavanagh owned by the OPW. The project has been beset by delays. A completion date of February had originally been projected but this was pushed out to the "end May/early June", which again has passed.

In April a spokesperson for the 'Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth (DCEDIY): "There were a number of such issues that arose over the past few months relating to site conditions and boundaries that delayed earlier forecasted dates of completion."

The Celt has sought a further estimated date for the completion of the estate and Ukrainian families to move in.

Cavan estate is one of seven such projects across the Republic, with others in Mahon in Cork, Thurles, Sligo Town, Claremorris, Rathdowney and Clonminch progressing.