Retained fire fighters picket council meetings

Picket began earlier this afternoon outside Cavan Courthouse.

Retained fire fighters looking for better pay and conditions are picketing meetings of Cavan County Council, including the AGM at which a new Cathaoirleach is to be elected.

The picket began earlier this afternoon, where members elected to the Bailieborough-Cootehill Municipal District were set to meet.

The council meeting proper is set to begin at 2pm, with the AGM scheduled to start at 4pm.

It marks an escalation of the period of industrial action that first began last week.

At the June monthly meeting of the council, elected members will discuss a motion tabled by Independent Brendan Fay who is calling for the Ministers for Local Government and also Public Expenditure to “provide the resources to sustain and enhance the service now and for future generations”.

Elected members will also discuss a range of other topics including concerns raised in relation to new proposed legislation that will criminalise intentional or reckless communication or behaviour likely to incite violence or hatred against others.

The Criminal Justice (Incitement to Violence or Hatred and Hate Offences) Bill 2022 looks to amend the law relating to the prohibition of incitement to violence or hatred against a person or a group of persons on account of certain characteristics (referred to as protected characteristics) of the person or the group of persons and to provide for an offence of condoning, denying or grossly trivialising genocide, war crimes, crimes against humanity and crimes against peace.

It looks to give effect to a Council Framework Decision 2008/913/JHA of 28 November 2008 on combating certain forms and expressions of racism and xenophobia by means of criminal law; to provide for certain offences aggravated by hatred in the Criminal Damage Act 1991, the Criminal Justice (Public Order) Act 1994 and the Non-Fatal Offences against the Person Act 1997.

The motion to discuss “concerns over the new Bill” has been tabled by Aontú’s Sarah O’Reilly, having been deferred for discussion from the council’s May meeting.

Items also set to be discussed in the council chamber later today include motions to request the Minister for Health to set out regulations on vaping (Shane P O’Reilly, Ind); problems with manhole covers (Peter McVitty, FG); and the learning and promotion of the Irish language (Aine Smith, FF).

Fianna Fail’s Clifford Kelly has a repeat motion on the agenda asking that the council provide any update on the North South Interconnector, including any engagement between Eirgid and the local authority’s executive.