Europe Day at Mullahoran NS
The pupils, staff and the wider Mullahoran National School community welcomed Maria Walsh, MEP for Midlands North West, on Friday of last week as part of their celebration of Europe Week, in what was a spectacular showcase of the pupils’ project work and their involvement in the Blue Star programme.
The initiative challenges primary school pupils from across Ireland to get creative and think about Europe in relation to four key elements - history, geography, culture and creativity, and Institutions of the EU.
Over the last two years the children have gained an invaluable understanding about Europe and how it affects our lives as European citizens. Every class were involved. The Junior infants, through the Ukrainian teacher Lesia and their classmates Maria and Mia learning about the culture of Ukraine, with their dance Chairevechke.
Senior and First classes became familiar with the European countries on the map and First through to Fifth class students completed detailed projects on the history, geography culture and art of Spain, Poland, Lithuania and France.
Sixth class looked at the history of the EU from the time Robert Schuman instigated the idea of a united Europe following the two great world wars of the last century. They also followed the EU’s progression to 27 member states united in diversity, politics, and economy of today. They looked at the roles of the institutions that make up the European Union and Ireland’s involvement in the EU, in this special 50-year celebration of Ireland’s entry into the EU. Fifth and sixth class pupils even visited the European Commission offices in Dublin in March as part of their studies.
One aspect of the Blue Star Programme is its focus on peace and unity. The children joined with thousands of children all over Europe who took part in the Handshake for Europe during Europe Week. As they joined hands, they listened to the European Anthem - Beethoven’s ‘Ode to Joy’. There are no words to the anthem; it consists only of music. Through the universal language of music, this anthem expresses the European ideals of freedom, peace and solidarity.
Maria Walsh, MEP, was joined by our local councillor Philip Brady, a past pupil of the school and father of one of the pupils, Tom. Maria and Philip spent time inspecting the various projects and speaking with children about their work. Both were overwhelmed by the children’s knowledge and how much information they had absorbed.
There is no doubt that the sun did shine in Mullahoran last Friday.