Lifting eviction ban was 'right decision', says O'Brien

Michael Bolton

The ending of the moratorium on evictions was the ''right decision'', according to Minister for Housing Darragh O'Brien.

His comments come three weeks after the ban lapsed at the end of March, despite calls from opposition parties and housing charities.

The Fianna Fáil TD was speaking ahead of the opening of his party's 'Housing for All' conference in Dublin on Saturday morning.

Mr O'Brien said the move to end the ban on eviction makes sense in the long run.

"The moratorium was going to be brought in on a temporary basis to provide us additional space to provide additional accommodation, and we did that.

"Quite substantially, 6,000 new social home sin the last quarter. For the first two months of this year, there was 19,000 new tenancies created, private tenancies as well.

"It is the right decision in the medium to long-term."