Mairead McCahill-Riley, Aodhán D’Arcy, Eithne Leahy and Lorna Fitzpatrick Gaule.

Simply the breast!

Members of a Virginia breastfeeding group has been recognised as breastfeeding support heroes through their nomination for six Friends of Breastfeeding awards.

Volunteer Lorna Fitzpatrick Gaule said: “There are 13 different categories and we have been nominated Breastfeeding Support Group of the Year; Voluntary Supporter of the Year, which is myself; Breastfeeding Mum of the Year, which is Eithne [Leahy]; Mairead [McCahill-Riley] is up for two nominations, Lactation Consultant of the Year and also Breastfeeding Advocate of the Year.”

Lorna, Eithne and Mairead all agree they are “humbled” by their nominations.

“When I heard, I was absolutely shocked, very very humbled and very emotional about it because you’re giving up so much of your free time. It really is lovely to be recognised,” said Lorna.

Equally excited, Eithne evealed: “I couldn’t believe it at all, I got an email and I emailed back and said 'oh that’s so lovely, but you’ve got the wrong person!' I’m very very shocked and deeply humbled and honoured to even be associated with women like Mairead and Lorna who, for me, are up there on a pedestal because they do so much for breastfeeding.“

Lactation consultant Mairead McCahill-Riley has a dual role as mum and specialist as far as breastfeeding is concerned: “I was really humbled and appreciative that the work I was doing was recognised. I was very honoured to be nominated."

Mairead set up the group almost eight years ago because she felt there was a lack of support available in the area for mothers interested in breastfeeding.

At the time, the area of Cavan and Monaghan had the lowest percentage of breastfeeding mothers in the country.

Since its establishment, the rate of breastfeeding mothers in Cavan and Monaghan has increased dramatically, with many lactating mothers attrituting their success to groups such as the Virginia one and their members.

The World Health Organization's guidelines recommend breastfeeding up until the child is two years old and even beyond.

With this in mind, the Virginia group have been doing their best to support women on their breastfeeding journey for as long as possible.

“The community IBCLC for Cavan even told us that the group's efforts to encourage and normalise breastfeeding into toddlerhood reflected in the increase in longer term feeding in the local PHN office records,” Lorna proudly reveals.

The group meets every week to help support pregnant women and new mothers on their breastfeeding journey.

“It’s so nice to be able to sit down with a hot cup of tea and actually drink it,” they all laughed.

Two other people in the Cavan area were also nominated for awards. These include Supervising Pharmacist in Boots Pharmacy, Cavan, Colm Miskelly, who has been nominated as Health Care Provider of the Year 2023.

Breastfeeding Supporter, La Leche League Leader and Doula Deirdre Sheridan also received nominations for Breastfeeding Advocate of the Year 2023.

Deirdre is an advocate for “women supporting women”, and reveals it was “an honour to be nominated”.

The Friends of Breastfeeding Awards will be presented to Ireland’s ‘breastfeeding champions’ at a gala lunch and awards ceremony this Saturday, April 22, in Dunboyne Castle Hotel.

To find your local support group, visit for more information.