Government coalition leaders to meet to make decision over eviction ban

Michael Bolton

Government party leaders will meet this evening to decide whether to extend the winter evictions ban.

The current ban on evictions is due to expire at the end of the month and Government will make a decision tomorrow on whether or not to extend it.

It's thought it may be extended with some exceptions including student accommodation and private landlords who want to use their properties to house their families.

Minister for housing Darragh O'Brien says the pros and cons of the ban will be considered when coming to a decision.

"I think it's important that we recognise as well that any decisions we take we've got to be clear we are not exuberating the issue, that there is no unintended consequences with it too.

"Private landlords have been leaving the market for the last five or six years frankly at an alarming rate. The Government have to be very careful weighing up the options that are there.

"That's what we will do this evening and tomorrow."

Landlords are being driven out of the market due to the evictions ban, according to estate agents network Sherry Fitzgerald.

Marian Finnegan, managing director at Sherry FitzGerald, wants definitive action as the number of landlords

"If yo look back in 2008 and 2009, at any one time there was 20 thousand something rental units available. Today, that figure can drop as low as two thousand and havers between two and three.

"The quantity of landlords available to rent in the market is at a crippling low level. Rents are rising, they are somewhat being contained by rental controls.

"But again, that doesn't solve any problem."