Msgr Dick Mohan

Tribute paid to former Lough Derg Prior

The funeral of Monsignor Richard Mohan will take place tomorrow.

The retired PP of Clones, former Prior of Lough Derg, and for many years the Diocesan Religious Advisor to schools in the Diocese of Clogher, was described by his Bishop "as a man of vision".

Mons Mohan died in the South West Acute Hospital in Enniskillen last Sunday morning, New Year’s Day, January 1, after a short illness.

A removal to the Sacred Heart Church, Clones, took place on Monday, with a Vigil of Prayer on Tuesday.

Burial will take place after Mons Mohan’s Funeral Mass at the Sacred Heart Church, Clones, in St Joseph’s Cemetery, in his native Coonian, Co Fermanagh.

Mons Mohan retired as a serving member of the clergy in December 2013.

He was Prior of Lough Derg from 1990 until 2013, and in a statement Lough Derg sanctuary said Mons Mohan he would be “…fondly remembered by thousands of Lough Derg pilgrims all over the island of Ireland and beyond”.

They also stated that Mons Mohan’s “legacy” will live on at Lough Derg “not only in the development of the fabric of the island but also and perhaps, more so, in the friendships made with staff and pilgrims and in the great pastoral support that he is renowned for”.

Bishop of Clogher, Bishop Larry Duffy said Monsignor Mohan's death has come as a great shock to all who knew him - especially his family.

"Throughout his priestly ministry, he gave great service to people of all ages and in various places.

"He was a very competent catechist who is remembered with great fondness by the many people with whom he came in contact through his 12 years working in our primary schools as Diocesan Religious Advisor. His time at Lough Derg was a period of development and change, and being a man of vision and openness to the Lord, he managed that well.

"Above all, Fr Dick was a priest whose priesthood was rooted in walking with Christ every day. He fulfilled that ministry of Christ’s love right up to the final hours of his life. May the Lord now grant him eternal peace in the fullness of God’s Kingdom.“