Ballyjamesduff plant decision delayed
Further information has been requested on Irish Water’s planned new wastewater treatment plant in Ballyjamesduff.
The existing plant has been described as “overloaded”, with the current level of waste being treated over its capacity.
The utility lodged plans with Cavan County Council for a complete overhaul of the site, to include a brand new treatment plant. Concerns over the impact the plant is having on the nearby Mountnugent River fed into the decision to replace the facility.
An Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) report shows it was not compliant with regulations as discharge from the plant was not meeting standards. Documents submitted with the planning application highlighted concerns over the Mountnugent River system, which is currently classed as having a “poor” water quality status, with the plant creating a “significant pressure” on the system.
The new plant is designed on 25-year population projections for the Ballyjamesduff area and will have capacity for 5,200 people. The facility is located at a site off Market Street in the town, located in the Derrylurgan townland.
Cavan County Council was expected to make a decision on the plans this week, but has requested further information from Irish Water.
It’s been requested to submit revised designs dealing with the access gates to the plant and the proposed environmental protection measures. It has also been requested to respond to comments made in submissions by Inland Fisheries Ireland and the Lough Sheelin Trout Protection Association.
Inland Fisheries Ireland notes the Pound Stream, which passes the site and flows into the Mountnugent River, is “trout bearing” and “is of considerable importance in terms of spawning, nursery and juvenile trout habitat and trout production for Lough Sheelin”.
It says the proposed discharge levels from the plant into the Pound Stream are too high and should be reduced to prevent its pollution.
The Lough Sheelin Trout Protection Association (LSTPA) also notes the importance of the Pound Stream and Mountnugent River.
It describes the former as “an important and valuable spawning stream for wild brown trout”.
The group also questions claims in the Environmental Impact Assessment submitted with the application, particularly around fishing stock in the waterways.
Irish Water has six months to return the information requested to the council at which point its assessment of the application will resume.