Youth work funding opportunities
The availability of youth work funding for applicable youth groups in the Cavan and Monaghan region has been announced by the Cavan and Monaghan Education and Training Board (CMETB).
CMETB Youth Services is currently promoting three separate funding opportunities for 2021 that will provide assistance and support to youth work organisations and volunteer-led clubs/groups in Cavan and Monaghan. It is a function of CMETB Youth Services to administer youth related grants from the Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth.
One off Grants for LGBTI+ Youth Services
The Department of Children, Equality, Integration, Disability and Youth recently allocated funding of €100,000 throughout Ireland for LGBTI+ Youth Service schemes. The scheme aims to increase youth services contact hours with LGBTI+ young people to ensure that they feel valued and included. The initiative is primarily intended to facilitate increased access to youth services for LGBTI+ young people in rural areas. The funding allocation will provide additional youth worker hours dedicated specifically to supporting young LGBTI+ people. CMETB Youth Service online application process is now open and will close on Friday, April 30.
Youth Club grants
CMETB has been allocated an amount of €60,830 by way of grant aid for the 2021 Local Youth Club Grant Scheme, that incorporate the National Quality Standards for Volunteer Led Youth Groups. This scheme supports volunteer-led youth club/group activities at a local level offering grant aid of up to €5,000 towards the costs of running clubs/groups.
Funding for the national scheme is provided by the Department of Children, Equality, Integration, Disability and Youth and is part-funded by the proceeds of the National Lottery.
The scheme supports voluntary youth club/group activities for young people; with priority given to clubs/groups catering for young people aged 10–21 years. The primary focus of the scheme is to assist local volunteer-led youth clubs/groups that provide a programme of youth work activities for young people. In addition, other clubs/groups that work with young people, but are not specifically providing youth work are also entitled to apply for funding under the scheme. The Local Youth Club Grant Scheme will open for applications from Monday, April 26, with a closing date of Monday, May 31.
Youth Capital Funding
Under the Youth Capital Funding Scheme for 2021, CMETB received an allocation of €50,409 from the Department the Department of Children, Equality, Integration, Disability and Youth for a capital grant scheme for targeted staff led youth services/projects and an equipment scheme for volunteer led youth clubs/groups across Cavan and Monaghan.
The 2021 scheme will support the purchase of equipment, including ICT and fund some small-scale capital refurbishment projects. The Youth Capital Funding scheme will launch on Monday, May 10, with a closing date of Monday, June 7.
CMETB wish to encourage local volunteer led youth clubs/groups to complete an application form to access funding opportunities. Applications for the above funding streams can be made via the CMETB website.
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