Aldi plan new store for Cootehill
Cootehill Chamber of Commerce has given a cautious welcome to news that Aldi Ireland is planning to open a new store in the town at Station Road, creating up to 25 jobs.
In a statement to this newspaper, the president Mary Lennon said: “We broadly welcome any new development to Cootehill and we are very glad that the development is located in an area adjacent to Market Street and not at an out of town location. We understand that there will be access by foot onto Market Street, which should help retain footfall to existing businesses.”
She said that some Chamber members are “understandably concerned” about the impact of a discount retailer on their businesses.
“On the other hand, we are very aware that considerable numbers of shoppers travel out of the area to local towns to do their weekly shop; so we know it will be a very welcome convenience to residents in the town and hinterlands. And we are hopeful that the nett effect, will be a positive spin-off for the businesses in the town.
“Between the impact of the pandemic, and recently the news that our last bank in town, Bank of Ireland will close their doors; we need to fight harder than ever for the future viability of our town,” said Ms Lennon.
The Chamber is now calling on Cavan County Council to create back road access to the eastern side of Market Street to give property owners the opportunity to expand their businesses and provide necessary off-street access for parking and deliveries.
Aldi Ireland has submitted plans for the development with the planning section of Cavan County Council.
The proposed new store will cover 1,315 sqm, with parking facilities for 93 cars and 10 bicycles.The new environmentally friendly store will also be powered by 100% green electricity and will feature four electric vehicle charging points outside.The store itself will be constructed in Aldi’s award-winning Project Fresh design.
An additional 50 jobs are expected to be created during construction phase of the development on the greenfield site at Station Road close to Market Street.
Commenting, Donald Mackay, Aldi regional managing director said: “We have been planning to open in Cootehill for some time and are delighted to have identified a site in the town centre.
“The environmentally friendly store is designed to meet the shopping needs of the local community and will be landscaped to complement the local area.”
He added that Aldi Ireland is looking forward to investing in Cootehill.
Aldi's existing store in Cavan is located on the Dublin Road, in Cavan Town.