It ain’t over till it’s Clover
Cavan singer-songwriter Josh McClorey has rounded-out 2020 with the release of ‘Puffin Clovers’, the penultimate single to his upcoming four-track EP.
In this his debut year as a solo artist, 12-months that many might otherwise prefer to forget, Josh’s output has remained at a steady and impressive pace.
‘Puffin Clovers’, out December 18, will be followed by an official music video set for release in January 2021.
Along with his own work following the break-up of his former band The Strypes, Josh has earned credit for collaborating with Yungblud on his standout album ‘Weird!’, and on modfather Paul Weller’s ‘On Sunset’, each of which topped the UK Albums Charts.
He even had time to test the waters mid-first lockdown to spool out a dreamy cover of The Beatles’ classic ‘Across The Universe’ under side-project YABOYA.
At 26, Josh is still a year younger than when Noel Gallagher released his first single with Oasis.
His former bandmates meanwhile are working together as Zen Arcade.
“It’s been a wild year for everyone, me included. On one hand I feel like I’ve done nothing, but I also have three singles out, two No.1 record contributions and a year ahead which is full of hope,” says Josh in reflective mood.
The repertoire of original material released by Josh to date has been well received.
Break-out track ‘Everything Was Easy’ was followed by ‘Crazy’, both of which enjoyed international support on streaming services such as Spotify, with the songs finding firm footholds on several major editorial playlists including New ‘Music Friday UK’, ‘Easy’ and ‘Fresh Finds’.
Taking a deeper dive into his solo journey, Josh explains the background to ‘Puffin Clovers’, an alt-pop lush synth-wrapped sandwich, grilled with upside sunny beats, and a catchy summertime hook filling.
“It’s a song I wrote after being engrossed in something for so long, I began missing the wood for the trees with a lot of things. I’m poking fun at myself for getting lost in my own head - escapism can be dangerous and scary, but it can also be pretty funny when you step back and externalise it.”
As a solo-artist Josh has had to find his own voice, both literally and figuratively.
A guitarist by trade, Josh has always found calm in song-writing.
Following his split from the Strypes he holed himself up in friend and fellow musician Darragh Slacke’s shed, “taking the Nick Cave approach” as he put it, where he penned all four tracks for his soon-to-be-released new EP at a rate of around one-a-day.
Whatever it is about sheds and Josh, but he’s again drawn to the back garden of his Swellan family home.
“Most of the stuff I’m working on right now is all done right there in the shed at home,” he laughs. “It’s a great little space, and I can do everything that I need to in there and not bother anyone.”
The upcoming video for ‘Puffin Clover’ follows the trend for unusual visuals Josh has embraced. This time the young Cavan musician sits over a mammoth-sized gooey and fudgey-looking chocolate cake which he then proceeds to devour using only his hands.
Is playing solo the proverbial having cake and eating it? the Celt asks prying for an overarching metaphor.
“I wish it was that simple,” he helpfully replies.
“It’s more about excess really. The song itself, the character is someone who is a bit blinded to the reality of what’s happening around them,” adds Josh who, at the time of writing some two-and-a-half-years-ago, found himself inspired by the creative direction taken by the likes of Frank Ocean following his departure from the band Odd Future.
“The sound that’s there is what’s naturally coming out right now. I don’t push it, I don’t force it. I’m just letting things happen and take them from there.”
Taking things as they come might be the hallmark for 2021, Josh included.
His new EP will “drop” in early February and Josh is “excited”.
“Obviously we have to wait and see with all that’s happening but as it stands I’ve some great things planned for the year ahead. I’m excited. I’ve some great plans hopefully for things happening in Cavan too.”