Minor roads need strengthening

Deteriorating surfaces on minor roads and problems caused by inadequate drainage were raised at the recent meeting of the Bailieboro Cootehill Municipal District.

The issue was first raised by Cllr Sarah O’Reilly (Aontú) with Cllr Clifford Kelly (FF) and others rowing in on the debate.

Director of Services Paddy Connaughtan highlighted a shortfall of €50M in the district in recent years for these type of works and said funding is a major challenge.

"I agree with you in that,” responded Cllr Kelly, adding “but the answer is still not to allow that type of thing to continue because you won’t be able to fund the repair of the roads – that is the main problem."

He called on Mr Connaughtan and senior management to carry out a full review of the situation.

Cllr Kelly suggested that a scheme should be developed in conjunction with landowners to address some of the drainage issues on roads, perhaps in tandem with the Green, Low-Carbon, Agri-Environment Scheme (GLAS), formerly Rural Environmental Protection Scheme (REPS).

He remarked that Fine Gael's Carmel Brady had proposed such an initiative at a previous meeting.

"We need to be making representations to some of the Ministers regarding this matter to ascertain if a drainage element could be included in the REPS scheme,” said Cllr Kelly.

Mr Connaughtan told the councillors that it would be appropriate to raise such matters at a Strategic Policy Committee (SPC) meeting.

"The Strategic Policy Committee is ideally placed to focus on the allocation of funding for a particular programme," he advised.

Mr Connaughtan further suggested raising the issue with the relevant Government Department.

Cllr Kelly also highlighted how water flowing onto roads from new housing developments is still proving problematic in some areas. He contended that the size of drainage pipes being installed at some properties are incorrect and adding to the problem.

The Kingscourt representative said that a dedicated person should be appointed to check on the roads and such issues.

"One of the most important things is to ensure that water is not flowing out onto our roads and destroying the surfaces, despite good work being done by the county council," said Cllr Kelly.

He again called for priority to be given to establishing a drainage grant and said the outlets along the roads should be cleaned.

Cllr Kelly did acknowledge recent road repair schemes carried out by the council in some areas that saw preparatory work done for the provision of proper drainage.

Mr Connaughtan said, to task any person with inspecting the drainage and road surfaces, would have to be done from existing human resources from within the Environment section of the council.

Cllr Kelly contended it was an important function and that a person was appointed to look after this role some years ago but appears to have drifted back to another role.

His colleague Aidan Fitzpatrick said the condition of some stretches of roads were forcing people to take the long way around to get children to school. He further highlighted problems with flooding in winter time.

Cllr Kelly suggested the councillors come together and make a submission the SPC dealing with roads with reference to the funding being provided for the Bailieboro Cootehill MD.