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Incredible insight from Tellus mapping project


The Tellus Programme in Geological Survey Ireland has released the latest data from an ongoing airborne geophysical survey, capturing amazing insight into the undulating Irish landscape.

The Tellus survey is a national mapping programme, and the data collected provides important information to the agricultural, mineral and environmental sectors.

Since the start of the Tellus survey in Ireland in 2011, the survey pilots have been taking photographs from their unrivalled vantage point of the stunning landscape below them.

The Tellus team has collated these images along with facts from the localities and digitally mapped them to provide a ‘Tales from Tellus’ ESRI storymap which shows the varied landscape of Ireland. The storymap can be viewed here.

While the survey collects geochemical and geophysical data that can image the deep geological features beneath our feet, these photographs show the human story of the survey and the dramatic coastlines, hills, fields and people who make up this island.

Koen Verbruggen, Director of Geological Survey Ireland commented: “We are delighted to release further geophysical data collected by the Tellus aircraft and in particular the new EM inversion dataset providing further value added products from the data which will be of use to people engaged in construction, mineral exploration and environmental management.”

The new data will be released at the annual Irish Geological Research Meeting, held this year in Athlone and hosted by GSI.

Tellus is funded by the Department of Communications, Climate Action and Environment.

All data are made freely available to the public and data and maps are available to view and download from