
'Steady' turnout continues on polling day


From polling station one in St Anne’s NS, Bailieboro to polling station 142 in Moybolgue/Trohanny, better than normal turnout has been reported at many voting stations across the Cavan-Monaghan constituency. But blue skies this morning are now beginning to make way for a greyer overhead and increasingly inclement conditions halfways through polling day.

The 142 polling stations in the Cavan part of the constituency include six in Co Meath, and perhaps decisively, all those in west Cavan that had previously been attached to Sligo-Leitrim when elections last ran in 2016.

The newly reinstated Cavan-Monaghan constituency now has five seats to fill in Dáil Éireann this time out, and a total of 13 candidates are in the race- eight from Co Cavan and five from neighbouring Co Monaghan.

The returning officers in each constituency have made provisions for the vision impaired this election. Voters can ask the Presiding Officer at their polling station to attach a ballot paper template to the ballot paper. This is a raised numbering and Braille on the template that guides to the relevant openings that correspond to the candidates on the ballot paper.

In Co Cavan, voter turnout in Cavan Town’s St Clare’s NS (13 booths) midday way through the day is 33.22%. Turnout there had been 17.98% at midday, and 6.08% at 10am. The supervisor there reports that polling has been “steady all day” since doors first opened at 7am.

in Virginia Town (5 booths) turnout stands at around 39.34%, up from 23.87% and 7.04% in the portion of the morning.

In nearby Ballyjamesduff, a similarly high turnout has been reported at St Clare’s NS (5 booths) at 36%. This station had been trending with a voter turnout of above 19% at 12 noon, and 5.8% before that.

At St Anne’s NS (7 booths) in Bailieborough had seen a high turnout similar to elsewhere earlier today, at around 23%. Turnout now stands around 36%, while anecdotally turnout the Cootehill polling station is trending near to the same figure. In Kingscourt, reports again are of a particularly high turnout with averages of 39% in the main town itself.

In Co Monaghan, St Louis Girls’ NS (5 booths) in Monaghan Town has seen a 37% turnout to date. Turnout there is “steady”, with polling numbers rising from 21.5% at midday, and 7.2% reported at 10am.

in Castleblayney Boys NS (7 booths), turnout is 35%, increasing from 17.5%/ 6%, and  the same in Clones, at St Tiarnach’s Primary (4 booths), now at 33% turnout compared to 18%/ 5%.

Counting will get underway tomorrow (Sunday), February 9, at 9am, in the Cavan Leisure Centre.