Cavan Dublin Bus journey
Dear Editor,
My family are regular Bus Eireann customers on the Cavan to Dublin route.
For the last four years Bus Eireann have promised to speed up this route by bypassing the Navan stop which adds at least 30 minutes to the journey.
Quite often two 109 buses leave Busarus in Dublin one going to Navan via Dunsaughlin and one to Cavan via Navan at the exact same time.
What is the logic to this as anybody going to Navan should be on the Navan only bus.
In addition people have to queue up to pay and delay the driver when tickets could be sold at Busarus using automated teller machines.
Also the Cavan bus may call to two locations in the Blanchardstown shopping centre to collect passengers and there may be nobody there so another 15 minutes are lost en route.
Surely Bus Eireann could supply electronic ID cards to regular customers which could be scanned to a data entry point at locations like Blanchardstown so that the driver could know in advance if any passengers were waiting there.
Another issue is that there are no bus shelters at busy locations such as Main Street, Virginia so passengers are waiting in the cold & rain while lip service is paid to encouraging public transport.
One option would be to make the Riverfront Hotel the pickup point.
Passengers could wait inside during hotel hours (good for business) and bus driver could hoot his horn when he or she arrives outside.
Kind regards/ Le gach dea ghuí
Liam de Paor
Loreto Road, Carrickane, Cavan.