Prospecting rights sought in West Cavan
An Australian mining company has sought to attain a licence to prospect for potentially valuable minerals in the West Cavan region.
The company, BMEx.pty was set up in October 2016 and if successful will hold the prospecting licence in the Ballyconnell area for up to six years. The Department of Communications, Energy and Natural resources has indicated Minister for the Environment Denis Naughten will approve the application.
Andy Browne, a director at BMEx, says the company has identified several zones in Ireland that may hold zinc and copper deposits, and they have applied for prospecting licences, Ballyconnell being one of the areas chosen. “We have focused our efforts on identifying ground highly prospective for zinc, copper, and likely ancillary metals, lead, silver, cobalt etc, in favourable mining-friendly jurisdictions. Currently these include exploration tenure in Australia and Ireland. Considering that Ireland hosts several large and efficient zinc mines, the Irish Basin is high on our priority list”, Mr Browne informed The Anglo-Celt.
A notice published in this paper last week provided the public with 21 days’ notice to object to the granting of the prospecting licence.
A spokesperson for the Department of environment stated: “There are currently over 500 prospecting licences held throughout Ireland. Mineral prospecting is generally a low impact activity, however environmental screening is undertaken in advance to ensure that the prospecting activity will not have a significant effect on the environment.”
Plans for the area covered by the licence can be viewed in Ballyconnell Garda station, Cavan County Council offices and the Geological survey of Ireland in Beggars Bush in Dublin.