Business Woman of the Year 2016: Alma Jordan of AgriKids
Alma Jordan launched her business, AgriKids, in late 2014 in the midst of Ireland’s worst year on record for farm safety as she wanted a new approach to farm safety awareness. An approach that would positively engage, educate and empower young children to be ‘farm safety ambassadors’ hence also educating adults. Alma is the guest speaker at the 2017 launch of the Cavan Business Women’s Club on Wednesday February 22nd in the Radisson Blu Farnham Estate Hotel. Awarded the title of 'Business Woman of the year 2016”, by Network Ireland in the 'Emerging Business' category, Alma will speak about her business journey, challenges and achievements.
Also speaking at the Cavan Business Women’s Club 2017 launch is Daria Sadkina, Stop & Stare. A member of the CBWC since it was formed in 2013 Daria won the 2016 County Final of Irelands Young Best Entrepreneur (IBYE) Award in the “Best Start-Up” Category and she also won IBYE County Cavan “Overall Young Entrepreneur of the Year 2016”.
Marcella Rudden, Acting Head of Enterprise, Local Enterprise Office Cavan said, “The Cavan Business Women’s Club (CBWC) is entering its 5th year as a successful professional business women’s network. Launched in February 2013 we now have over 70 members. An initiative of the Local Enterprise Office Cavan, any woman can join the CBWC, whether a business owner, employed in a business or considering starting a business, all are welcome to join the CBWC”.
With an objective to empower their members with improved skills and knowledge; the CBWC meetings take the form of hearing from inspirational business women, learning from workshops; doing business through networking and exhibiting their businesses at the CBWC EXPO. The Cavan Business Women’s Club networking group meet six times a year and the dates for 2017 are February 22nd; April 26th; June 28th; September 13th; November 8th and December 13th.
The launch event on Wednesday 22nd will start at 6.15pm with registration and networking. New and returning members can register on the evening.
For more information call Margaret McKeon-Boyle on 087-2588918 or email