Where the streets have no name!
Jenny McGovern
A resolution has been passed within Cavan Town Council, which will give renewed impetus to the proposal to officially name streets within the County town by the end of the Town Council’s reign.
On Monday night’s meeting of Cavan Town Council it was revealed that there are 34 streets in the town which have no official name.
Several streets have gone by a particular name for many years yet they have never been officially named as such. It was made clear that these streets would not have their name changed- instead their adopted names would be made official.
While the Town Council has not released the list of streets with no name, Town Clerk Brian Hora told the Anglo-Celt that one example of a nameless street is the one which leaves main street in the direction of what is known as 'Tesco Car Park’- the Celt understands that the Car Park at Tesco’s is not owned by the Tesco, it is owned by the Town Council- and if the street had a name then the car park would be referred to after the street name.
Cllr Paddy Conaty welcomed the resolution to officially name streets within the town stating “I agree that things should be named quickly- streets, roundabouts, companies should not be able to snap up names. Roundabouts for example need to have proper names - people in the town refer to certain roundabouts by the business beside them.”
Cllr Terry Argue seemed quite perplexed by the motion stating that naming roundabouts and streets was “totally crazy”.
“If the roundabouts are named, then people will be reading the names and not looking where they are going,” he said.