New chairman to reach out to young

Fine Gael councillor for the Bailieboro' electoral area, Sean McKiernan, made history at Monday's annual meeting of Cavan County Council when at aged 29 he was elected as the youngest ever chairman, or Cathaoirleach, of Cavan County Council. Cllr. McKiernan, his party's nominee, was returned unopposed to the position and received the unanimous best wishes of all members in the chamber as he was presented with the chain of office by outgoing chairman, Des Boylan. In his acceptance speech, Mr. McKiernan promised to use his one-year term to reach out to the Cavan diaspora all over the world. Assuring members that he was not going on any mad globetrotting endeavour at the taxpayers' expense, Cllr. McKiernan said that he would use his knowledge of the "technological super highway" via his laptop computer to reach out to Cavan people or people of Cavan descent in far flung corners of the globe. He would encourage them to connect with their native county and to assist in the great national recovery that Co. Cavan must be an active participant in. Sean McKiernan has been a member of the Fine Gael National Executive for several years now, a young man with a deep and commanding knowledge of politics. His membership of the national executive is an undoubted recognition of his abilities by those in the higher echelons of the party who see him as one who represents a bright and positive future for the party. At Monday's council meeting, Cllr. McKiernan stated that Irish people must embrace the new modernity which recognises that this island is populated by people of different cultures and religions and that we are part of a fast changing world. He referred to what Cavan had going for it such as its fine entrepreneurial tradition, its strong community and voluntary ethos and its great cultural traditions as epitomised by the successful hosting of the All-Ireland Fleadh Cheoil in 2010 and again this year. There was a large contingent of Cllr. McKiernan's friends and supporters in the council chamber for his election to the chair. They joined his parents and family in a unique first in terms of there being a significant public presence at such an event. Acknowledging this fact, Cllr. McKiernan said that it was important to open up the council chamber to the public and during his year in office he would engage with young people. He intended to invite school groups to sit in at council meetings and over the next twelve months he would visit schools to talk with young people on the value of public service as a politician. Sean McKiernan was proposed for the office of chairman by his party colleague for the Bailieboro' electoral area, long serving public representative, Aidan Boyle. Cllr. Boyle described the young Bailieoro' councillor as a man of great ability who had a tremendous interest in local government and in politics generally. Seconding Cllr. McKiernan's nomination, Cllr. John O'Hare stated that Sean was very active in the community and voluntary sector and this would serve him well in his role as chairman. The new leas cathaoirleach or vice chairman of Cavan County Council is Lavey Fine Gael councillor, Val Smith. He was proposed by Fine Gael whip, Andrew Boylan and seconded by Cllr. Madeleine Argue. Cllr. Smith was also warmly congratulated by all councillors in the Chamber. Cavan County Manager, Jack Keyes, congratulated both the new chairman and vice chairman on their election.