Statement by Margaret Conlon, outgoing Cavan Monaghan TD

I wish to express my deepest gratitude to the 5,270 people who voted for me in last week's general election. I take comfort in the fact they recognise the work I have done for this great constituency and put their trust in me. It has been a privilege to represent the people of Cavan Monaghan for the last four years. My time in public life is not over; I am committed to continuing to work on behalf of the people here in whatever way I can. This is a difficult time for this constituency, for Ireland and for Europe. The tough decisions taken at national level have affected all of us, but they have steered this country back on the right path. I am certain that we will soon feel the benefits of recovery here. I wish the new government the best in their endeavours to build on the work that's been done to return Ireland to growth and prosperity. I wish to thank my director of elections George McCabe and my election agent Kevin Hickey for the tremendous effort they put in to run my campaign. I also wish to thank Dr Rory O'Hanlon, Senator Francie O'Brien and all the county and town councillors who left no stone unturned and worked tirelessly on my behalf; the cumann members who were willing to give up their time to canvass and put up posters; the staff in my office, Carmel, Gearóid, Catriona, Annette and Claire, who went above and beyond the call of duty; Martin McAviney, who willingly gave up his time when needed. Finally, I want to thank my family - my husband Seamus, our children and all the relatives and friends who made many sacrifices over recent weeks.